Book a Session

Use our online form to select your preferred dates and place a booking…

Your Name

Your Email

Your Contact Number

Preferred time for us to call you

School Name

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3



Post Code

Your preferred lesson

Preferred date(s) for Workshop (Four 60-minute lessons per day)

How many classes from 1st to 6th class are in the school?

How many children from 1st to 6th class are in the school?

We will make contact with you within 24 hours Monday to Friday (except Bank holidays and School holidays when it may take a little longer).



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Latest Post

  • Springtime!
    Spring time provides numerous opportunities to engage your class in garden activities; either in the classroom or outside in the school garden. Why not set up a plant science experiment to assess ...
  • Autumn in the garden
    Attention teachers! Autumn is the perfect time to get your class out into the school grounds. Why not go on a nature walk to collect colourful Autumn leaves to use in art projects to brighten up ...